Monday, October 12, 2009


Recording Services and the IT department are both talking about having video broadcasting be a thing that they do, so I'm interested in pushing for this even more.

Flex can do this:

I'm going to check this out too.

Saturday, October 10, 2009



Broadcast live video and audio from the MSU Composition Department Premieres Concert on Tuesday, October 20th, hopefully with titles and fades and a physical interface.

Things we need:

Software mixing of two video sources, fading in and out
Processing things to learn:
  • alpha mixing of two video sources, black screen
  • multiple outputs, so you can monitor everything and send a separate feed out
  • dynamic text stuff (typing, displaying)
  • MIDI input from knobs on MIDI controller to do fading, crossfading
  • outputting video to something Justin Tv or Ustream can take
Alternatively, doing it in Pd with Gem, I feel would look less nice, but the list of things to learn may be shorter.
  • multiple video sources
  • nice looking transitions
  • nice looking text, in strict 2D
*shrug * more?